Saturday, June 09, 2007

long lost blog

I haven't blogged anything since the year 2005!! I fell off the wagon in a huge way.

We live out in the country now, where we have all the privacy in the world, space to spare, and all kinds of new neighbors like coyotes, moles, and birds that hate the fact that we park our cars right by their shed-turned-world's-largest-bird-house. You really must kill a mole before you die. Somehow it makes life much more worthwhile.

I've just been thinking about gender 'chores' lately. One chore that I found taken off my plate for the first year or so of being married was laundry. Don't get me wrong, I LOATHED the laundromat. Losing this chore wasn't the worst thing that I've experienced. But I really am anal. I like my clothes folded like I like them. There are certain things that you really need to fold a certain way - because I've tried the other ways and found that this is the best. So now that we live in a real house with real laundry machines, I am the laundry-doer. And I love it. I love folding everything the right way, I love even organizing my folded clothes with the other stuff that goes in the same drawer, so when I put them all away it's more efficient.

He mows the yard, which all men are supposed to do. He loves it. I mowed once while he was in Greece for two weeks, and the mower died on the lawn. It sat there on a hill looking like a new lawn ornament for a couple days. Very attractive. I had a huge bruise on the heel of my hand for several days after my mowing experience because I must have been gripping for my life. I swore at times that thing was going to launch me off in a fierce way.

We have such reversed roles in other ways, that it seems weird we both really like these two chores that are supposed to belong to each of us. But somehow it works, and that's a good thing.

I have found that cows are really great too. More on cows another time. I never knew before that cows sound off their own alarms and even sing to you once they finally decide they like you.

Anyway, I'm blogging again - at least for today.

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